MSALLogger Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MSALLogger.h


The minimum log level for messages to be passed onto the log callback.
@property (readwrite) MSALLogLevel level


The minimum log level for messages to be passed onto the log callback.

Declared In



Set to YES to allow messages possibly containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to be
sent to the logging callback.
@property (readwrite) BOOL PiiLoggingEnabled


Set to YES to allow messages possibly containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to be
sent to the logging callback.

Declared In


– setCallback:

Sets the callback block to send MSAL log messages to.
- (void)setCallback:(MSALLogCallback)callback


Sets the callback block to send MSAL log messages to.

NOTE: Once this is set this can not be unset, and it should be set early in
      the program's execution.

Declared In
