MSALErrorCode Constants Reference

Declared in MSALError.h


The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MSALErrorCode ) {
   MSALErrorInvalidParameter = -42000,
   MSALErrorRedirectSchemeNotRegistered = -42001,
   MSALErrorInvalidRequest = -42002,
   MSALErrorInvalidClient = -42003,
   MSALErrorInteractionRequired = -42100,
   MSALErrorMismatchedUser = -42101,
   MSALErrorNoAuthorizationResponse = -42102,
   MSALErrorBadAuthorizationResponse = -42103,
   MSALErrorAuthorizationFailed = -42104,
   MSALErrorNoAccessTokenInResponse = -42105,
   MSALErrorTokenCacheItemFailure = -42200,
   MSALErrorAmbiguousAuthority = -42201,
   MSALErrorUserNotFound = -42202,
   MSALErrorNoAccessTokensFound = -42203,
   MSALErrorWrapperCacheFailure = -42270,
   MSALErrorNetworkFailure = -42300,
   MSALErrorUserCanceled = -42400,
   MSALErrorSessionCanceled = -42401,
   MSALErrorInteractiveSessionAlreadyRunning = -42402,
   MSALErrorNoViewController = -42403,
   MSALErrorInternal = -42500,
   MSALErrorInvalidState = -42501,
   MSALErrorInvalidResponse = -42600,


    A required parameter was not provided, or a passed in parameter was
    invalid. See MSALErrorDescriptionKey for more information.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    The required MSAL URL scheme is not registered in the app's info.plist.
    The scheme should be "msal<clientid>"

    e.g. an app with the client ID "abcde-12345-vwxyz-67890" would need to
    register the scheme "msalabcde-12345-vwxyz-67890" and add the
    following to the info.plist file:


Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    Interaction required errors occur because of a wide variety of errors
    returned by the authentication service. In all cases the proper response
    is to use a MSAL interactive AcquireToken call with the same parameters.
    For more details check MSALOAuthErrorKey and MSALOAuthErrorDescriptionKey
    in the userInfo dictionary.

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    The user or application failed to authenticate in the interactive flow.
    Inspect MSALOAuthErrorKey and MSALErrorDescriptionKey in the userInfo
    dictionary for more detailed information about the specific error.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    MSAL received a valid token response, but it didn't contain an access token.
    Check to make sure your application is consented to get all of the scopes you are asking for.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    MSAL encounted an error when trying to store or retrieve items from
    keychain. Inspect NSUnderlyingError from the userInfo dictionary for
    more information about the specific error. Keychain error codes are
    documented in Apple's <Security/SecBase.h> header file

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

The extded error description. Note that this string can change ands should
not be relied upon for any error handling logic.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    MSAL encounted a network error while trying to authenticate. Inspect
    NSUnderlyingError from the userInfo dictionary for more information
    about the specific error. In most cases the errors will come from the
    system's network layer and the individual errors will be detailed in
    Apple's <Foundation/NSURLError.h> header file.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    The user cancelled the web auth session by tapping the "Done" button on the

Declared In MSALError.h.

    The authentication request was cancelled programmatically.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    An interactive authentication session is already running with the
    SafariViewController visible. Another authentication session can not be
    launched yet.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    MSAL could not find the current view controller in the view controller
    heirarchy to display the SFSafariViewController on top of.

Declared In MSALError.h.

    An error ocurred within the MSAL client, inspect the MSALErrorDescriptionKey
    in the userInfo dictionary for more detailed information about the specific

Declared In MSALError.h.

    The state returned by the server does not match the state that was sent to
    the server at the beginning of the authorization attempt.

Declared In MSALError.h.

 Response was received in a network call, but the response body was invalid.

 e.g. Response was to be expected a key-value pair with "key1" and
 the json response does not contain "key1" elements

Declared In MSALError.h.

Declared In
