Type alias BrowserSystemOptions

BrowserSystemOptions: SystemOptions & {
    allowNativeBroker?: boolean;
    allowRedirectInIframe?: boolean;
    asyncPopups?: boolean;
    iframeHashTimeout?: number;
    loadFrameTimeout?: number;
    loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions;
    nativeBrokerHandshakeTimeout?: number;
    navigateFrameWait?: number;
    navigationClient?: INavigationClient;
    networkClient?: INetworkModule;
    pollIntervalMilliseconds?: number;
    redirectNavigationTimeout?: number;
    windowHashTimeout?: number;

Type declaration

  • Optional allowNativeBroker?: boolean

    Flag to enable native broker support (e.g. acquiring tokens from WAM on Windows)

  • Optional allowRedirectInIframe?: boolean

    Flag to enable redirect opertaions when the app is rendered in an iframe (to support scenarios such as embedded B2C login).

  • Optional asyncPopups?: boolean

    Sets whether popups are opened asynchronously. By default, this flag is set to false. When set to false, blank popups are opened before anything else happens. When set to true, popups are opened when making the network request.

  • Optional iframeHashTimeout?: number

    Sets the timeout for waiting for a response hash in an iframe. Will take precedence over loadFrameTimeout if both are set.

  • Optional loadFrameTimeout?: number

    Sets the timeout for waiting for a response hash in an iframe or popup

  • Optional loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions

    Used to initialize the Logger object (See ClientConfiguration.ts)

  • Optional nativeBrokerHandshakeTimeout?: number

    Sets the timeout for waiting for the native broker handshake to resolve

  • Optional navigateFrameWait?: number

    Maximum time the library should wait for a frame to load


    This was previously needed for older browsers which are no longer supported by MSAL.js. This option will be removed in the next major version

  • Optional navigationClient?: INavigationClient

    Override the methods used to navigate to other webpages. Particularly useful if you are using a client-side router

  • Optional networkClient?: INetworkModule

    Network interface implementation

  • Optional pollIntervalMilliseconds?: number

    Sets the interval length in milliseconds for polling the location attribute in popup windows (default is 30ms)

  • Optional redirectNavigationTimeout?: number

    Time to wait for redirection to occur before resolving promise

  • Optional windowHashTimeout?: number

    Sets the timeout for waiting for a response hash in a popup. Will take precedence over loadFrameTimeout if both are set.

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