Type alias RefreshTokenRequest

RefreshTokenRequest: Partial<Omit<CommonRefreshTokenRequest, "scopes" | "refreshToken" | "authenticationScheme" | "resourceRequestMethod" | "resourceRequestUri" | "requestedClaimsHash" | "storeInCache">> & {
    forceCache?: boolean;
    refreshToken: string;
    scopes: string[];


  • scopes - Array of scopes the application is requesting access to.
  • claims - A stringified claims request which will be added to all /authorize and /token calls
  • authority - URL of the authority, the security token service (STS) from which MSAL will acquire tokens.
  • correlationId - Unique GUID set per request to trace a request end-to-end for telemetry purposes.
  • refreshToken - A refresh token returned from a previous request to the Identity provider.
  • tokenQueryParameters - String to string map of custom query parameters added to the /token call
  • forceCache - Force MSAL to cache a refresh token flow response when there is no account in the cache. Used for migration scenarios.

Type declaration

  • Optional forceCache?: boolean
  • refreshToken: string
  • scopes: string[]

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