RMS SDK for C++  0.2.1
A client library for using Microsoft RMS from Linux.
Public Types | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
rmsauth::HttpHelper Class Reference

Public Types

enum  StatusCode {
  Continue = 100, SwitchingProtocols = 101, OK = 200, Created = 201,
  Accepted = 202, NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203, NoContent = 204, ResetContent = 205,
  PartialContent = 206, MultipleChoices = 300, Ambiguous = 300, MovedPermanently = 301,
  Moved = 301, Found = 302, Redirect = 302, SeeOther = 303,
  RedirectMethod = 303, NotModified = 304, UseProxy = 305, Unused = 306,
  RedirectKeepVerb = 307, TemporaryRedirect = 307, BadRequest = 400, Unauthorized = 401,
  PaymentRequired = 402, Forbidden = 403, NotFound = 404, MethodNotAllowed = 405,
  NotAcceptable = 406, ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407, RequestTimeout = 408, Conflict = 409,
  Gone = 410, LengthRequired = 411, PreconditionFailed = 412, RequestEntityTooLarge = 413,
  RequestUriTooLong = 414, UnsupportedMediaType = 415, RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416, ExpectationFailed = 417,
  UpgradeRequired = 426, InternalServerError = 500, NotImplemented = 501, BadGateway = 502,
  ServiceUnavailable = 503, GatewayTimeout = 504, HttpVersionNotSupported = 505

Static Public Member Functions

static TokenResponsePtr sendPostRequestAndDeserializeJsonResponseAsync (const String &uri, const RequestParameters &requestParameters, const CallStatePtr callState)
static bool addCACertificateBase64 (const std::vector< uint8_t > &certificate)
static bool addCACertificateDer (const std::vector< uint8_t > &certificate)

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