RMS SDK for C++  0.2.1
A client library for using Microsoft RMS from Linux.
Public Attributes | List of all members
rmsauth::Constants::RmsauthErrorMessage Struct Reference

Public Attributes

const String AccessingMetadataDocumentFailed = "Accessing WS metadata exchange failed"
const String AssemblyLoadFailedTemplate = "Loading an assembly required for interactive user authentication failed. Make sure assembly '%' exists"
const String AuthenticationUiFailed = "The browser based authentication dialog failed to complete"
const String AuthorityInvalidUriFormat = "'authority' should be in Uri format"
const String AuthorityNotInValidList = "'authority' is not in the list of valid addresses"
const String AuthorityValidationFailed = "Authority validation failed"
const String AuthorityUriInsecure = "'authority' should use the 'https' scheme"
const String AuthorityUriInvalidPath = "'authority' Uri should have at least one segment in the path (i.e. https://<host>/<path>/...)"
const String AuthorizationServerInvalidResponse = "The authorization server returned an invalid response"
const String CertificateKeySizeTooSmallTemplate = "The certificate used must have a key size of at least % bits"
const String EmailAddressSuffixMismatch = "No identity provider email address suffix matches the provided address"
const String EncodedTokenTooLong = "Encoded token size is beyond the upper limit"
const String FailedToAcquireTokenSilently = "Failed to acquire token silently. Call method AcquireToken"
const String FailedToRefreshToken = "Failed to refresh token"
const String FederatedServiceReturnedErrorTemplate = "Federated serviced at % returned error: %"
const String IdentityProtocolLoginUrlNull = "The LoginUrl property in identityProvider cannot be null"
const String IdentityProtocolMismatch = "No identity provider matches the requested protocol"
const String IdentityProviderRequestFailed = "Token request to identity provider failed. Check InnerException for more details"
const String InvalidArgumentLength = "Parameter has invalid length"
const String InvalidAuthenticateHeaderFormat = "Invalid authenticate header format"
const String InvalidAuthorityTypeTemplate = "This method overload is not supported by "
const String InvalidCredentialType = "Invalid credential type"
const String InvalidFormatParameterTemplate = "Parameter '%' has invalid format"
const String InvalidTokenCacheKeyFormat = "Invalid token cache key format"
const String MissingAuthenticateHeader = "WWW-Authenticate header was expected in the response"
const String MultipleTokensMatched = "The cache contains multiple tokens satisfying the requirements. Call AcquireToken again providing more requirements (e.g. UserId)"
const String NetworkIsNotAvailable = "The network is down so authentication cannot proceed"
const String NoDataFromSTS = "No data received from security token service"
const String NullParameterTemplate = "Parameter '%' cannot be null"
const String ParsingMetadataDocumentFailed = "Parsing WS metadata exchange failed"
const String ParsingWsTrustResponseFailed = "Parsing WS-Trust response failed"
const String PasswordRequiredForManagedUserError = "Password is required for managed user"
const String RedirectUriContainsFragment = "'redirectUri' must NOT include a fragment component"
const String ServiceReturnedError = "Serviced returned error. Check InnerException for more details"
const String StsMetadataRequestFailed = "Metadata request to Access Control service failed. Check InnerException for more details"
const String StsTokenRequestFailed = "Token request to security token service failed. Check InnerException for more details"
const String UnauthorizedHttpStatusCodeExpected = "Unauthorized Http Status Code (401) was expected in the response"
const String UnauthorizedResponseExpected = "Unauthorized http response (status code 401) was expected"
const String UnexpectedAuthorityValidList = "Unexpected list of valid addresses"
const String Unknown = "Unknown error"
const String UnknownUser = "Could not identify logged in user"
const String UnknownUserType = "Unknown User Type"
const String UnsupportedAuthorityValidation = "Authority validation is not supported for this type of authority"
const String UnsupportedMultiRefreshToken = "This authority does not support refresh token for multiple resources. Pass null as a resource"
const String AuthenticationCanceled = "User canceled authentication"
const String UserMismatch = "User '%' returned by service does not match user '%' in the request"
const String UserCredentialAssertionTypeEmpty = "credential.AssertionType cannot be empty"
const String UserInteractionRequired
const String UserRealmDiscoveryFailed = "User realm discovery failed"
const String WsTrustEndpointNotFoundInMetadataDocument = "WS-Trust endpoint not found in metadata document"
const String GetUserNameFailed = "Failed to get user name"
const String MissingFederationMetadataUrl = "Federation Metadata Url is missing for federated user. This user type is unsupported."
const String SpecifyAnyUser = "If you do not need access token for any specific user, pass userId=UserIdentifier::anyUser() instead of userId=null."
const String IntegratedAuthFailed = "Integrated authentication failed. You may try an alternative authentication method"
const String DuplicateQueryParameterTemplate = "Duplicate query parameter '%' in extraQueryParameters"

Member Data Documentation

const String rmsauth::Constants::RmsauthErrorMessage::UserInteractionRequired
Initial value:
"One of two conditions was encountered: "
"1. The PromptBehavior.Never flag was passed, but the constraint could not be honored, because user interaction was required. "
"2. An error occurred during a silent web authentication that prevented the http authentication flow from completing in a short enough time frame"

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