errorCode: stringOptional
errorMessage: stringOptional
subError: stringOptional
timestamp: stringOptional
traceId: stringOptional
correlationId: stringOptional
claims: stringA string with extra claims needed for the token request to succeed web site: redirect the user to the authorization page and set the extra claims web api: include the claims in the WWW-Authenticate header that are sent back to the client so that it knows to request a token with the extra claims desktop application or browser context: include the claims when acquiring the token interactively app to app context (client_credentials): include the claims in the AcquireTokenByClientCredential request
CorrelationId associated with the error
Short string denoting error
Detailed description of error
Describes the subclass of an error
The time the error occured at
TraceId associated with the error
Generated using TypeDoc
Error thrown when user interaction is required.