Type alias CommonSilentFlowRequest

CommonSilentFlowRequest: BaseAuthRequest & {
    account: AccountInfo;
    forceRefresh: boolean;
    redirectUri?: string;
    refreshTokenExpirationOffsetSeconds?: number;

SilentFlow parameters passed by the user to retrieve credentials silently

  • scopes - Array of scopes the application is requesting access to.
  • claims - A stringified claims request which will be added to all /authorize and /token calls. When included on a silent request, cache lookup will be skipped and token will be refreshed.
  • authority - Url of the authority which the application acquires tokens from.
  • correlationId - Unique GUID set per request to trace a request end-to-end for telemetry purposes.
  • account - Account entity to lookup the credentials.
  • forceRefresh - Forces silent requests to make network calls if true.
  • resourceRequestMethod - HTTP Request type used to request data from the resource (i.e. "GET", "POST", etc.). Used for proof-of-possession flows.
  • resourceRequestUri - URI that token will be used for. Used for proof-of-possession flows.
  • tokenQueryParameters - String to string map of custom query parameters added to the /token call

Type declaration

  • account: AccountInfo

    Account object to lookup the credentials

  • forceRefresh: boolean

    Skip cache lookup and forces network call(s) to get fresh tokens

  • Optional redirectUri?: string

    RedirectUri registered on the app registration - only required in brokering scenarios

  • Optional refreshTokenExpirationOffsetSeconds?: number

    If refresh token will expire within the configured value, consider it already expired. Used to pre-emptively invoke interaction when cached refresh token is close to expiry.

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