ACCESS_TOKEN Credential Type

Key:Value Schema:

Key Example:

Value Schema: { homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme, environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other clientId: client ID of the application secret: Actual credential as a string familyId: Family ID identifier, usually only used for refresh tokens realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to target: Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier. cachedAt: Absolute device time when entry was created in the cache. expiresOn: Token expiry time, calculated based on current UTC time in seconds. Represented as a string. extendedExpiresOn: Additional extended expiry time until when token is valid in case of server-side outage. Represented as string in UTC seconds. keyId: used for POP and SSH tokenTypes tokenType: Type of the token issued. Usually "Bearer" }




cachedAt: string
clientId: string
credentialType: CredentialType
environment: string
expiresOn: string
extendedExpiresOn?: string
familyId?: string
homeAccountId: string
keyId?: string
realm: string
refreshOn?: string
requestedClaims?: string
requestedClaimsHash?: string
secret: string
target: string
userAssertionHash?: string


  • Create AccessTokenEntity


    • homeAccountId: string
    • environment: string
    • accessToken: string
    • clientId: string
    • tenantId: string
    • scopes: string
    • expiresOn: number
    • extExpiresOn: number
    • cryptoUtils: ICrypto
    • Optional refreshOn: number
    • Optional tokenType: AuthenticationScheme
    • Optional userAssertionHash: string
    • Optional keyId: string
    • Optional requestedClaims: string
    • Optional requestedClaimsHash: string

    Returns AccessTokenEntity

  • generates credential key <home_account_id*>-<environment>---<realm*>-<target*>-<scheme*>


    • homeAccountId: string
    • environment: string
    • credentialType: CredentialType
    • clientId: string
    • Optional realm: string
    • Optional target: string
    • Optional familyId: string
    • Optional tokenType: AuthenticationScheme
    • Optional requestedClaimsHash: string

    Returns string

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